Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Farewell my friends

new shoes trudging
through the muddy
driveway once
traveled everyday

they carry the walker
through saturated emotions

they carry the walker
past the spying felines

they carry the walker...

into the shed to
retrieve the ladder
to carry to the trees
to take down the glass

they carry the walker
through frozen memories

they carry the walker
past emerging hope

they carry the walker...

into the vehicle to
drive out of the farm
to follow the road
to follow the heart

Monday, February 25, 2013

Four days too long

eleven and two
this friday night
I swear I'll cut it
down in my flight

it's been way too
long without you
too long away from
your eyes of blue

pavement will melt
tires incenerate
for my heart can no
longer wait

I'll find you in the
house by the
triangular lake

if you fall asleep
by my kiss
you will wake

just keep that door
unlocked, let me
through that gate

southern wind
will blow this
tumbleweed to his fate

pavement will melt
wheels will be afire
nothing to keep us
from our perfect desire

that clock will only
be able to strike ten
before I am finally
in you arms again

pavement will melt...
it will melt...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The week since

unexpected, the walk
of a block by six blocks
and return

wrapped, double pants
flannel over white t
scarf, coat and hat

overdressed to walk
in slushy snow
and lingering dips of
melted ice

birds shook thawed
branches free of
white manna

Jay and Robin,
they shook impatiently

the air filled itself
with Sunday scents,
laundry, burning fireplaces,
wet earth and moist trees

the outdoors wrapped
itself with a blanket
and sat at its own window

waiting and watching
for incoming flakes

watching and hoping
for the chill to return once again

Friday, February 22, 2013

Forgotten divinity

13 hours in 23 years

20 days shy of seven,
from womb, over 8 years

this, the time of life
when halves realize their one

yearly yearning
for the one to walk through the door

annual aniticipation
for tears to fall no more

miner breathes at last
the other eye sees

dreamer endures the glass
learns from the trees

through battered bodies
life begins anew

through broken bones
I have finally found you

those terms, the omens,
connections made beyond this flesh

amazing smile was the spark
parched to reassure

January 25th completely confirmed
chill pill... will, the wings of our soul

from the soulmate and angel unaware,
halves gifted the chance to talk

three immensely overdue communions
to remember where we've been

13 hours in 23 years
discovering what is always within

Monday, February 18, 2013


The charge, the spark
that's lit this body aflame

Adrenaline spurring
a flight home...
The call's not too late

Let me see
that person on the other end,
for his words have felt me
up and down

Let me smell
his neck!

and whisper in his ears
with that voice
only reality knows

I will raddle this device!
choke its life away
trying to push myself
through the receiver

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wear me!

When you reach into your
closet tomorrow morning,
pull me off of the hanger
and wear me 'til I'm worn

When you walk past the
windows on your way to work,
pause and notice how I
should always be your fashion

Look at that reflection and
see how I'll wrap around you,
draped so well over your shoulders
and so snug in your thighs

You'll delight in the way I
caress your skin when walking
and how I carry you so well
in all the right locations

So don't discard me after wearing
me once, or forget me in your closet.
I want to be those clothes that
reek of your scent and have people
saying, "You always wear that!"

Friday, February 15, 2013

Salix tears

Under the bare,
thin strands of willow
with amber knuckles,
I was with you

Our souls danced
amongst tables of food
and feasting familiars

Rising from your own
seat with your parents,
you came to me

You asked,
"Don't I know you?"
"I hope so," I replied.

I whispered your name,
and you savored
hearing it from my lips.

You took my hand,
caressed it's story,
and repeated its tale

I knew then,
as I had known all along,
you were mine
and I was yours

We melted into each
other in our embrace,
losing all former limits

At that moment,
it was complete, our journey,
our fate, our love

The willow's fingers
wiped the tears from
my radiant complexion

I was renewed once
again by the unending
dance of our souls

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ultimate simpatico

All of nature joins in
the communion of the souls

Blushing petals float upon
winter bleached flesh
from the gently stirred canopy
of spring laden trees

The same mischievous breeze
tickles bare skin

Though roused from the
cool young breath,
the sensation soon melts
in the warm caress of
the southern sun

Green blades and creeping herbs
cradle their fulfilling embrace

Reflection is found,
as though looking
in the rain remnants
caught in pockets of stone,
when their eyes meet

No longer two,
ever one

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Missed that ninth artery Sunday
Caught up in thought

Reflecting on the crooked tower
Seemed though it might bend over
and tip its receptor like a
gentleman's top hat in greeting

Surely it was a passing flight
torrid breath of the storm
leaving that pole acute

A meek and tall chimney sweep's
instrument remains erect
by the occasional road

The road taken that passed
the ninth artery Sunday
without ever knowing

Red went for nothing
Boxed circle meant nothing

Nor should it have when
there was no obstruction
no interference out of thought

Pulse jumped from the glance
in the mirror, reflection of the warning
Grin, puff of air soon followed

When they were joined

Sunday, February 3, 2013


In proceeding to the
end of the land,
it was discovered
the drawbridge was up

Although it was posted,
the sight had to be seen

frustration, obstructed path,
delay, detour

Perhaps the backtracking
was neccesary
Perhaps it was needed
to see the sparks
collide with the passing pavement...
momentary fireworks
that were reflected at the end of the day
when reaching the end of the land